or even: How-To solve usage of implicit 'with' in VS Code AL0604 for fields in pages.
AL(AL0604): Use of implicit 'with' will be removed in the future. Qualify with 'Rec.'. This warning will become an error in a future release.
Hey guys,
you might now that VS Code supports usage of search-and-replace regular expressions?
If you want to know how this reg-ex works, just visit: https://regex101.com/r/Rx7sPI/4
Open your search dialog CTRL+H
Simply use this in your 'Find'-Statement:
(\w*field\(.*; ?)(.*\))
and this in your 'Replace'-Statement:
and hit the "Use Regular-Expression" Button (ALT+R)
Your matching lines will be marked:
Replace it and you are fine: